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If you’ve just obtained your certification but have yet to see a rainy day, don’t worry, one will come around, especially when living in the UK.
Rainy days are inevitable, and while you might have protective gear on that keeps you safe on dry days, knowing how to ride your motorcycle in the rain is often a must. Of course, you have your health and safety equipment ready to go, but mastering riding in inclement weather should be part of your training and practice.
1) Ride at a Low Speed. While you can go racing around London or wherever else you’re at on dry days, doing this on a rainy day will spell trouble before too long. Many people choose not to ride on rainy days for this reason, but if you like riding in the rain, or are forced to by circumstance, definitely keep your speed reasonable, according to how wet the road is. If the water is less than 6 mm deep, then your bike can handle slightly higher speeds than if the water on the road is more than 6 mm deep.
2) Consider Your Brakes and Braking Distance. Just as traction isn’t as good in wet conditions, neither are your brakes going to be super-reliable. Just as you would take care to mind your braking distance in a car, it’s especially important to do so with a motorcycle. Definitely test your brakes every so often to see what they can handle, and this will help you determine your braking distance, should you find yourself in stormy weather.
3) Mind the Nitty-Gritty of the Road Surface. When it rains, the pavement doesn’t just get wet, it can also become oily and dirty because wet roads can bring up ingrained oil from underneath and sand and dirt are often spread more widely across the road. So again, the slower you go the safer you’ll be.
It’s about maintaining safety by reducing your speed, minding what could be on the road and paying attention to the kind of braking distance you need to stop safely. You can collect all the cool and fancy gear you like, but if your riding technique is faulty, the higher the likelihood of you becoming injured. So ride slow, pay attention and stay safe on a rainy day.
Tags: Rainy, Riding, Safety, Tips